Dmv tracking number florida
Dmv tracking number florida

Results include trademark and service marks by name and the document number related to the name. Trademark Owner Name – lists trademark and service mark owners by name.Results include the document number and status of each record. Trademark Name – lists trademark and service mark registrations by name.Results include the business entity or registration related to each name. Registered Agent Name – lists all registered agents by name.Officer/Registered Agent Name – lists officers, directors, managers, and registered agents by name.Entity Name – lists business entities and registrations by name.Be sure to use the number zero (“0”) for all document numbers.Search by document number: the error message Record Not Found means the document number does not exist in our records.Click on the name to view detailed information about the business or registration.If an exact match does not appear, you can scroll forward or backward using Previous List and Next List to view the names indexed before and after the current page.The filings/registrations that come closest to your search criteria are listed first.Our records are indexed in alphabetical order.

dmv tracking number florida

For example, you could use the keywords Little Red Sch instead of Little Red School House, Inc. Partial names, such as Doe, J for John A. Enter Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial when searching by an individual’s name.

Dmv tracking number florida